Alan & The Dance of Life


This workshop is a direct attempt to help dancers live, better more wholesome lives.

Why dance?
We dance for many reasons; for health and fitness, for celebration for connecting
in friendship with others, to feel energised and alive, to build up positive energy.
Also we aim to 'tune in' to a bigger dance, which we could call the 'rhythm of life'.
Whenever we do things that are the same, we experience an effect called resonance. Ancients have repeated words, drawn forms, drummed particular rhythms etc in order to tap into this resonance.
The 5Rhythms practice is designed to help us to get resonated with the rhythms of life.
When we resonate with them, we know them better, we see them in ourselves.
Thus we learn about ourselves.
Each resonance, each rhythm is like a wordless teacher, because by dancing that rhythm we are able to see what we need to do to be more 'in tune'. The marvellous thing about it all is that we don't need to work it all out, step by step, and plan – it happens better when we follow the physical discipline of our dance practice.

'The Dance of Life' workshop on Saturday, in Tallinn will be a chance to follow this practice and use it to apply to your everyday life.

Our whole life is a dance and follows a set of movements.
When we give our attention to our habits and see them as patterns of movement, they become more alive and we start to change. This workshop will focus on these patterns and help us to find different ways of being more in balance.

Do I need to have danced 5Rhythms before?
No. All you need to do is be able give your attention to the way you move.

What if i'm disabled or have an injury?
You can still do the workshop and benefit as much as anyone, you will have to move in a different way, in fact when life forces us to dance with restricted physical actions there is a whole new way of dancing to be learnt. Often when people are blind or deaf they have other senses that are strongly developed and more powerful than people who have the use of all their senses. By developing our 'New dance' in these restricted areas we breath new life into ourselves.

The practice of 5Rhythms is comparitively new compared to other practices like yoga and meditation, so there is a wealth of new material coming through.
You, the dancer are helping this amazing practice reach, and help more and more people. You are helping bring through this new material to teach.

About me
I have been teaching in Tallinn for 20 years and 10 of those years in 5Rhythms, it is always a great pleasure for me to come and be surrounded by such beauty.
I first taught Shamanic dance in Tallinn and Riga in 1994.

My intention is to open up a whole new range of life's possibilities through the dance. We need to know how to use 5Rhythms to do this. I aim to help dancers to use 5Rhythms to do different things. Come and join me.

I am really looking forward to bringing the next stage of this work to you.

Hope to see you soon.

With Love


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